
Posts Tagged ‘parcel magazine’

Data Card Trends for 2012

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

A recent Multichannel Merchant article presents an outlook for digital data to take center stage. While Washington continues to go back to the drawing board to draft new privacy legislation, experienced direct marketers continue to apply online and offline data for responsible direct marketing. For traditional list and data marketing professionals, this creates a need for a new kind of ‘rate card’ or data card for online display advertising. The opportunity to serve this market is open to everyone, and traditional direct marketing services providers have the experience backed with analytical expertise to make a difference.

Data cards are not only available on NextMark, but also on most list management web sites (many of which are hosted via the MarketMax Pro solution). An examples of theseĀ are the Parcel Magazine Mailing List and Developerfusion from World Innovators, and Pet Industry TotalBase from List Solutions.

“This online media is no longer new, and should be viewed as an extension of the services that traditional list brokers and managers represent and recommend to their clients,” says Lee Kroll, President, Kroll Direct Marketing.

You can download a free copy of the “2012 Data Card Trends Report” to see how the landscape is changing on our platforms.

Data Card Trends Report 2012