
Posts Tagged ‘service’

DMA Service to the List Industry (Survey Results)

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Last month I created a quick poll on LinkedIn to see how direct marketing professionals felt about the DMA’s (Direct Marketing Association) service to the list industry. There may not be a ‘List Day‘ conference anymore, but almost all of the same folks are still present at the annual DMDays conference. There are list managers, list brokers, and list fulfillment providers lined up on both sides of the aisle. While the DMA has done a very good job in regards to advocacy on behalf of direct marketers, there seems to be less awareness about mailing lists than in times past — or maybe I’m wrong? Let’s look at the results from last month’s poll on LinkedIn.

DMA Service GraphThe overall results are normally distributed with a minor skew towards needing some improvement. It is interesting to note that the female respondents gave the DMA more favorable ratings than the male respondents. Maybe the guys have set higher expectations for the list industry, or maybe we’re just jerks — well I don’t think so, because only 2 of 45 of us voted that the DMA had jumped ship. The response profile (gender) was 54% male and 46 percent female, so there’s no bias in the weighting. Feel free to share these results at DMDays next month, and let Mike Gamson know that we conducted the poll on LinkedIn.